Friday, January 2, 2009

first day of school

today i woke up at 6.40am .i dress up myself and hurry to school ,bec i came out from the house at 7.10am and i miss my first bus ,is super unfortunate.i got up of the bus at almost 7.30pm , our school assemble start at 7.40am.luckly, i am puncture.
when i arrive our school, everything is so unacquainted to me,but by the end of the school i have already knew 4 gfx ,their really nice and cute and friendly.
i think most of us will feel that first day of school is boring , but for me everything went fine bec i had made new long as i never feel lonely ,then i am fine with it.for me, being a student what i suppose to do is to love our school," study hard and play hard", hehe i just learnt this from the first day of school,i know is a bit strange but come to school must play correct ?and where u get joy from ??from playing correct ??so must play like mad ...hehe .hahah^o^!!!
hope ur all will enjoy ur shcool life in a new environment..and happy new year to your all...