Friday, December 25, 2009

yo,yo,rainie is back ...hahah ur know what this is the first time i can felt christmas **the sprits and the love are surroundded in the air lovely it is ...during the christmas eve night i was at HARD ROCK due 1pm..and i have a night chat with hicoshi there,that day is the first time i talk to him and have a shake of hand with ,haha wow i was so happy that night,surprisely,he is quite talkertive compare to kinnon ...hiya i dun no how to say la ...they both like alike,they both seasoned in arts ,they both study in nanyang.actually something had amaze about Hicoshi is he know how to play guita and he arts is amazing .
yesterdAY I was quite sad at first as i want to go that person's birthday party,but ah fu didnt allow,i thought to myself say that is would not be a good to stay here and i still can meet him during chinese new year right and i believe GOD comfirm had prepared something to me at this christmas night ..haha yeah % and yes my GOD did,his christmas present for me is "go home with Hiroshi" that again is another wonderful chat ...o.o our distance from had come closed like this ......o.o
from yesterday's chat ,i think he mind kinnon very much ,haha...idiolt Kinon and Hicoshi ,your both r an idiolt ...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

bye guys ,hope u will enjoy ur holiday^^ ...hehe(:
busy....busy...busy...i want sleep ...+rainie wants to slim down..^^

Monday, October 26, 2009

today is my sister,qi en's birthday ...^^ happy birthday my cuteee de qi en @_@

rainie is wearing baby's clothes wor..@_@^%^

dadi i saw a ghost behind of us ..&_%

look at gigi ..o.o she is so cuteeeeeeee.....

rainie and gigi..hehe^^

everyone is falling down..HAHA..^O^

why the malays let people c their hair one ?? a group of bad malays..+_="

4 malays ??>_<"

who is this ??she snatch my pillow ..rainie cry ...**

here 2 kaowoyeena~

jamila scare me =_="

ol. why so many ghosts are here..hey ghosts ur should go home and sleep la ..hiyo..ur boliao ya ??hehe(:

the heads..

who r they ???*

lo.ok at this so yumi^O^

guys lets guess who is this ???she looks super pretty ri ??@_@ pls say YES ..haha good dogi..^_*

keerthana witch is being bully by rest of the witchs and one monster..^o^ is so scary
dad pls dun worry ..ur er zi here come to save u ^6^

jamila is fighting with xinying ..haha,guys let bet who will win??^^
o.o lool at xinying !!she is so cutee@_@

remember "DARS" Black chocolate is rainie's favourite chocolate^^..but if jamila is going to ...the chocolate ,i guess no one will want to buy it^6^ haha jk la.. dun worry ur hubby me will defenally will buy it from u ..hehe bec it is my favourite cholocate + is from u ..haha@_@

zijuan looks like a witch^^ hehe

Thursday, October 22, 2009

o.o today during the dance work shop ,we have learnt poping and street jazz^_^!!is fanstitic ,those dance coachs are kind and friendly ...
reflection:i felt that poping is easier than street jazz dance sucks bec i am very shy ^^ hehe(:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

o.o that idoit promise me he will call me de lo,but he didn't call.sad la...
o.o i had recieved my result ^_* .. EL<68/110>er i quite happy with my el result la although i just pass plus abit more.hehe( rainie's maths badly done,i feel like jump down from the building lol ('SCI<59/100>and my science sucks lo ,i think i am lack of common sense...HIS<34/50>for history ya ,,i think i just pass only la,but never mind i am not interested at singapore history at all,instead i feel chinses history is more meanful and interesting..(:no offence )o.o still got D&T ,i just pass only 51/100,haha oh yeah ^_^

Saturday, October 17, 2009

i rejected him...i feel so stress ...i don't want love anymore !!!no love no pain ^^....haha (:oh yeah ^^

Friday, October 16, 2009

another one ..hehe(:

our heart...only we 2 de

butterfly wor O_^

we r angry ....-_-"

still tired =_="

we r punching each other !! har~ is so painful @_@

two V O.O

saphina and rainie ^_*

this is saphina chiobu !!^_^
sorry guys today never go Hougang mall with ur,sorry sorry !!^_*er....actually today i got went out la ,i went AMK with my friend,saphina hehe(: pls forgive me !actually today i want to stay at home act "guai zi" one ,but my mum and amy auntie kept on nagging on me lo,i wish to stuck some cloth in side thier mouths ~_+ to keep the atmosphere clean lo ~!bec i wish to breath some fresh air ,so i decide to go out with saphina ,as had asked me to go out with her in the early of the morning (i was still on the bed =_=")

Friday, October 9, 2009

yesterday i saw a boy siting at the coffee shop along drinking coffee !!O.o is so cutee ^O^ !!!hi ya now aday because of that stupid exam ,make me "chong" like hell,hi ya tired ya !!! oh yeah english exam is over ,lalalala ^_* i sigh ya ,still got history and science and D%T ,ah mumum !!bec today is a special day for me ,if not i am in the study room now le !!sad ya !!here wanna to say happy birthday to someone ,hope he will get more handsome years past years ,haha !!

Friday, October 2, 2009

i am trying my best not to like him anymore bec he don't like me !!
i am chatting with him !!1

Saturday, September 26, 2009

today i saw a funny boy ,one handsome guy with her kind a boring day !! o.o Mr under wear IS SO FUNNY HOHO HAHA!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

now she grow like this leh ^_* ,she still looks very cutee right ??and she only know
how to post a V when taking the pic !!haha cute !!

this is my auntie's younger daughter !! cutee right !!this pic had taken
when she was about 1years old >??

This is me and megan !!^_*

this is my cutee cutee xinying and me and jaslyn ^O^

oh yeah !!my cbox is back !!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

haha hahhaaahahaa

Monday, September 14, 2009





Friday, September 11, 2009

o.o rainie today went for tkd yeh !!someone seems like get a shock of my present !!bec quite a number of them knows that i had quit tkd !! to say ya ,i never quit tkd la ,bec SIR does not allow me to quit !!
ah ,come to today's training bah !!today is quite cool !!we train at basketball court !!while we were praticing kicking ,i keep on kick on my parnet's hand (Ralnerd*)haha the percentage of kicking on his hand is 50%.haha he keep on screaming when i kicked on his hand !!haha^O^
today i had learnt something new wor !!is back huck and back trust !is so Awesome !~! o my waist now very pain yeh !!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Tuesday, September 8, 2009



boring ya !

everyday wake up then eat then watch tv then play comp then eat then shower then sleep again ???what is this ???how can i continue slacking >??? is time to add some colour to my life ^-^woo !!start really now !!!hehe

Monday, August 31, 2009

yesterday i went back to my primary school .there totally have 200 sec 1 pupils went back to Teck Ghee .yogi,song and some of the other boys were already there when i arrived.i was too shy to come near them as they were really very tall !!sad ya !!why i am so short !a later while ,napat and yin them came ,napat seen got 1,76m ,wolau !!!kim look still the same(gannina he say he nvr saw me yesterday !!i feel like killing him ) .deyi grow much taller than last time !and he got brought present to Mrs pang wor !!^_^ i was quite lucky to meet mrs pang outside of the school as she was rushing to decorate thr hotel !!i also saw Mrs ang in TG canteen ,she is very friendly and kind !!hehe (:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Monday, August 24, 2009

my lukcy day part 2

After came out of the library ,i went to AMK hub and take bus home.On the bus ,i was too concentrated on reading my new borrowed book.i almost missed my bus-stop !!luckly ,the bus stopped at my house that bus-stop quite long,when i realised that it was my bus-stop ,the bus was about to move,i immediately pressed the stop alarm,and bus door opened!then i get down le !! oh yeah ^-^
o.o here i want to thank a indian teacher ,he had saved my life today,i was being keepnap by two cracy bitch today !!his appearred made my life bright !!At that time how mush i wish he would appear and save me !!sad +_+

my lucky day part 1

today i was so lucky!^-^ why leh ,first bec when i went to library,i found 5 books,but normally,we only can borrow 4 books st each time ri?? i set down and hesitated which 4s should i borrowed !!finially i made up the decision ,and put one of the book back to the shelf.Then ,i went to the machine inserting the library card. i was unable to borrow any books at this moment bec i had returned my books late last time and i needed to pay some funds!!so i went to the counter and asked the secretary to help me,after sovling the problem,i asked how many books can i borrow?? she told me ,i can borrow 6 boooks .At the moment i felt like jumping up high above the ground ,i was so happy that i could borrow the 5 books now !!^O^
Then i went back to the shelf and was going to take the 5th books,but when the moment i reached the shelf,i saw someone is reading it,i the moment !!and i took up my courage and asked that girl could she let me having this book ,she answered sure sweetly !!i was so happy !!ham^-^.i went to search one more book since i can borrow 6 books now.hehe(:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Exam is finally over !!oh yeah ^-6 !er...i..i has done something unforgivenable!!i knew her like ****** ,but i just cant stop of liking him too!! and i know that he also has feeling about me ,what should i do ??? AM i very bad ?? but he doesn't like her ,and even found her irretating,he don't like the place where has her !!!i am struggling ,how can i be so cruel,but it is not a fault to like someone right ??i am seem that she started to igore me in school,i guess she had found something from his eyes !!hi ya ... why is me again ???please dun like me !!! pls do not start to give me any hope !!!i will fall in deeper and deeper ...@_@

Friday, August 14, 2009

hi ya ,tired !! J does not love me !!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


use 1 divide by 5 equal to 0.2 ,then use 5-0.2=4.8,after that use 4.8 mutiply 5 equal to 24 leh lo !!

hehe(: are you the clever one ??

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


here i have 4 numbers which are 5,5,5 and 1,my question is how can u use those number to get out the result of 24 ??u can use the number randomly,but each number is only allow be used once !! only BDMA( plus,multip,divi and subtract) is allowed as this quiz is under primary 4 de !!!

jia you wor !!if u know the solution please write it on my tagbox ^-^!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

i just cut my fringe^_^!i am being forced ,as my mum say my fringe is too long le!!hi =_=''

Monday, August 3, 2009

suddenly remember this ..^_^

Sunday, August 2, 2009

er ,this week i injuried my leg and finger.sad ya ...

Friday, July 31, 2009

er...sorry guys i forgot to post yesterday bec i am too busy of chating with my gege.
o ya yesterday is my classmate -keerthana's birthday,so she decided to go AMK hub to for celebration .we went to watch movie and play zone-X .the movie is call the hunter of connection(ghost movie) ,i think so ,sorry ya i hardly remember that it is quite scary la.ask ur a question ,before u goin out of the movie hall,waht u must do first ??answer is open the door .u know hor got three stranger ,they went down to the door way there,but dun care to open the curtain which just covering infront of the door.i went up and straight away open it ,when we went out of the movie hall,we r laughing off each other.
after that we went to zone-x ,junjie keep on bully me,that idiot that pig shit face .cut short .then i went home with keerthana le lo,as i am very tired,i went to took a nap ,i being disturbed of a call while i am sleeping .that is my best friend tingting ,she called me to play basketball as we long time nevr play together le lo.if i was not wrong that time should be 7somehing ba,i 5pm start to sleep.hehe
we play till 9.30pm ,then i went home lo by the time i finish my everything is already 10pm....finily i finished my post .

Thursday, July 30, 2009

i like soccer....maybe
jevin is so hyperactive today yeah ,he make my eye poping out ,HE KNOW HOW TO PLAY SOCCER !!!AND HE PLAY VERY WELL SOMEMORE !!! FINISH !!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

today bloody bored !!o today a indian teacher came to my class asked me and some of my classmates to join debate club,but i tell him i have 2 cca le,but he took notice of it .chey !! and he called us to come to 1t2 classroom after 3.30pm.but i tell him i cant bec i have taekwonto grading today. grading is super important de ok ???i hack care lo!hehe i very rude now a day !!!omg must change !!ok this time our grading held in our school hall due to H1N1 la.ok actuall happy about it .haha i am thinking of today that grading judger's hair ,is like he just had a bombing on his head,then the hair all poping out ,super mess de lo.

Monday, July 27, 2009

i smell durian !!haha ignoring it first ba !!o ya today xinying(now she has become my younger sister ,i still remember 1 day ago she was still used to be my father,but be my sister also not bad la,at least can be closer to her abit more hehe))
,megan((she is my judge means whenever jamila and me need to divores have to find her to sign up a contract!actually she is a witch,she always separate me and my honey jamila!!o ya by the way she is my auntie!!i hate all the auntie in this world !!))
,jeremy (which is my uncle now,i hate the mess relationship happen in our class,actually he is my didi de lo,who ask my that stupid mami patty go and call jeremy as brother la !!)
+patty(my mami is a filrty women,she keep on changing husband,untill today i dun even know who is my so call "real father "lol ,poor thing ya me !!i sob,oawwawawa))
and me were playing inside the classroom after school !!thats all for today !

Friday, July 24, 2009

ahahahahah,i have muscle ache (whole body) thank you !
yesterday i just went for my dance club,
our daddy (so call pro dancer) he teacheres us hip hop,
every dance steps have to be strong,to show the
power of it,oh yeah i dance untill my whole body "crack",+
today i have taekwonto training ,hahah need to kick one de
u know ? my body =_=''

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

two patients haha^O^!

today i am being confusing by two idiot , kim and jiahua ,that two stupid went to using
the same display name and pic on msn to chat with me
and they two keep on call me to guess who r they .i sign ya !
o u no what they both go and put kit's that gang pic
on the display ,wolau !at first both of them r aguring
the topic of who is kit ?wolau,cant they dun no they both
r not kit ??anyhow using people de pic !=_=" they keep on
saying theirself is kit?i wander kit got damn handsome mah?
they actually is trying to make fun of me ,hi ya got this kind
of friend,IS FUN .hahh^o^

Sunday, July 19, 2009

i am mad

i am still unawake!!i hate the way i live ,no excitment,no happiness....i feel tired and bored !that is not me ,that is the real rainie,my life should be as colourful as rainbow ri >??
i anyhow write de ,ur c just laugh ba ,i dun mind !!enjoy ^_^

Saturday, July 18, 2009


i swear i will never scold vulgarities again,today in church,i make fengyu angry and he went off , bec of one fuck you. i apologisd !!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

rainie's belonging

i just found my new comfortable pillow which is my father-feng yu(a honest boy+very handsome:)'s leg ,his leg just nice for head to rest on it ,as it is a bit soft with a bit muscle,mean hard hard de wor !when i try on it ,he shows me his muscle arm,tell me that his muscle is more suitable for me to use as a pillow ,and then my uncle-Allen(a cha bi boy ,with a kind and sweetee heart)show pou his mimi arm and said his one is more comfortable for me .hah they r so cutee and kind and funny .
is just like father like daught ,daught like uncle.oh yeah we r a family !^_^&

Thursday, July 9, 2009



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i had been just changing a new seat today ,my new partner is boon xiang ,he seem to be quite emo ,not like junjie lo ,crazy and noisy front is my didi-jeremy,besides me is my bf-megan,then behind of me is my wife-jamila,further down there is my second wife keerthana .hahha actually i am quite happen with my new sitting position.hehe (:o ya ,today is the first time i try to do science worksheet on my own during the science lesson,last time i lazy to think so i used to copy junjie's answer,hehe i no i am very bad la.haha but today bec boon xiang is 'new' to me + i dun trust of his answer ,haha ^o^!!! finished !!

Monday, July 6, 2009

haha,today i was very bec my comp was returned !!oh yeah ,today i called deyi, heart was bumping pretty fast while i was talking to him ..haha ^O* !!his voices still the same ,damn soft and gentle ...haha

Friday, June 26, 2009

o yeah.^o^ ! tomorrw got church yeah ,dun no why i just like to go church maybe it is a holly place bah.hazz...tomorrw got guita lesson yeah from 2pm-4pm,after that aunt margret will be bring us to Jalan kayu for tasting the famous roti prata..ha bec it is the last week of the holiday.
want join us or not?? here has much joys ,u had never experience it before..expecially in our group (name: Zion junior youth fellowship ).we respect each others' opinions and no dirty staffs is allowed ,and we like a family in that group.we also had provided some game after the message,er usually the message is held at 4pm-5pm in every saturday,if u r feeling bored at home at weekends ,can come and join us ,if u want .if u r interested pls tag on my tag box ,and let me no i will bring u church is at serangoon,here to the serangoon garden secondary school.hehe(^_^: + there is a free bus for transport to our church.c very good ri ?? hehe
wow..woo..the transformer 2 is freaking nice man...
er..the Megan fox is super sexy man...and the huang feng super cute..the leader of the transformer is super cool man..and i also like that tweens cars,they r really cute man,expecially is that green colour de,it has a mice cutee tooth...hahax >o<
lazy to write le..o ya i am wandering what happen to wk ya,why me never online now a day ,at first i thou i am the only one never online for the whole holiday yeh.
i guess he went over sea bah,if is i hope that he wouldn't gets affected by the H1N1 ..hehe (:

Thursday, June 25, 2009 is the most early time i get up of my bed . i will be goin out to watch movie (transformer 2 )with my friends,hehe i was so excited,maybe that is the reason why i woke up early today.
morning lazy to talk..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

finially ,,my computer is working le,dun no why today it suddenly anable to connect to the internet.maybe it pitty me lor,that comp almost got 1 month unable to connect to the internet le...hi ya sad la ..finially today this comp brother is working le...hi ya maybe is today "he" is in a good mood ya....

o yeah.^o^!school is goin to reopen le soon wor.....haha.^o^..can c all my miss one soon..hehe dun worry is not u la...jk...dun cry ya...hehe..hi ya i miss u too la(this is for all the people who read my post hehe :)) actually ,i got a bit sad la bec when school is reopen ,everyday have to wake up early ,hi yo i will be miss my bed de u no ...cry babe..every morning have to carry a panda eyes to schhol,hi ya..i sign... o ya ,transformer2 is showing now yeah *o*..haha i will be goin to watch it with my friends at this friday ,if anyone is interested,pls sms to me,when i receive ur sms i will call u ok ?? c u

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Taekwondo compeitition

er...last sunday ,i went for the taekwondo national championship,hahhhah^O*,i get a gold !!!er in my category there is 14 people,and got semi final and final,......,my friends said that i am did too fast for my movements,thus, my position was 3rd out of the fourteen people who participated..and my score was seven..,after knowing the result, i thought to myself,i must work harder in order to beat the top 2.....
i am the first to start,wolau ,i was damn freaking nervous the end i was 1st,but i felt that the others was doing much better than me lor.... was super unbelievable ...hahaha


er... sorry people,long time nver post, bec my comp got is boring,but it is a nice time for sleep....
at night uaually i sleep at 2am-12noon,then eat lunch together with breakfast,after that go read story boook,as the comp spoilt leh,so cant online...
about 3.30pm...i am on the bed again till 6pm,hi ya after eat again lo,then about 8pm,i go bathing.uauslly after bathing i will go watch tv ,i find that actually some tv program are quite nice ^_- !!about 11pm ,i used to go out of the house and enjoy the coolzzy wind,it is really very cooling and fresh...and quiet..

Saturday, May 16, 2009

hi ya lazy to post leh,bec i had forgotten what i wanted to write.haha er...rainie dun wish to have boy friend,serious! bec i had a lot of friend cry through the phone and told me that they had just break with their bf or gf,and they feel very sad.STUPID, waht is the point of having bf or gf ,do u think they will be with u forever,of cause one day he or she will be break with u de.

listen to me "no love no pain ",hehe but i only want love not boy friend,as long as i like that person ,he also like me,is enough already.bec i am the special one.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

today after school i went to play soccer and captains ball with our class guys.hah it is super fun lo,for soccer we playing in remix,the score is(4:4),each ball counted as 1 point,hehe i score 2 points yeh,it is bec i am pro ho,not bec the boys let me lo.

totally our group have 4girls,only me playing in the round,they all stand in a side to watch me play with the jaslyn and margen worse lo ,they open the umbrella and stand outside of the soccer court and watch us play what lo,if scare of the sun's rays,then dun come look at my skin ,it gets darker and darker.haha

for captains ball,boys vs girls ,the score is (6:10),hah girls rocks!!^o^ we win,hah i am damn tired during the game,lol the boys so pro lo,so i keep on change my position,from goalkeeper ->raner,bec for our group non of them can catch the ball,so i have to volunteer myself to be the captain.zhi yong that idiot is so pro lo,he is the opposite team's defender,keep on hit off of my ball.i have no choice,so i call someone to change playing position with me,i ran around the whole court and try to pass the ball with my teamate,again and again,but just cant score.passing part is great but scoring part is hard.again because of the stupid zhi yong la.our group the goalkeeper is no hope leh,so i change the playing position with my teamate i think i am the most tiring person in between the girls.

hope that we will still have more chance to go out to play game with the boys,hehe!

Monday, May 4, 2009

this is the present from xinying ,it is also a Z .hahh i love it (: by the way my birthday is on 1 may .

nice right ?hehe it is from is a letter of Z wow ^O>!!!

this is the present from kerthana,i like it very much,it is call metal puzzles rings,it is a type game which helping u to opening out your multi-aspect,u just have to take out one of the ring out of this puzzle set.
see i so pro ,i had already sovling it,do not ask me how to solve it ho,actually i also dun no how i take it out de,just solving by accidentally .at that moment when i solving it, i was screaming yeh,whole class look at me like siao .hahh
woo today is monday when i came to class something makes me, i love ur very very very much ,wanna to kiss ur but i dun want to be les,haha ( classmate went and decorate the whole white board to wishing me happy birthday.hah

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i am so excited,bec my lixiang uncle is coming to my house.i know him since i was a baby,he is my parents good friend,also he is a gong fu teacher,he had opened his own kongfu practise houses,to provide those gongfu lover to have a oppotunately to learn and know what is call gongfu.
i still remember last time he wish to teach me kangfu,but i refuse to learn it.hehe bec i lazy,i think when that time i reject his kindness,he surppose be quite i am so regret of my that fool decision,i just know that he had achieve in 3rd of taekwonto world championship,wow so
he is a very kind person and he caring me very much.hehe ^O^ i am so happy to see him.of couse i am also very happy to see ur guys la,dun get jealous ok ??hehe hahhaa

Friday, April 24, 2009

cup noodle rocks !!

today is the first time i ate cup noodle with my classmate(min ying,jamila,gigi,xin ying,joleen,mageen,patty) outside of the school,it is very interesting .i wish to have more chance to eat things together with my help us to build up our relationship and get knows each other well .i seldom eat cup noodle,but today's cup noodle is the most delicious noodle i had eaten in my whole life.

Friday, April 17, 2009

he is sad

i hate myself bec he is sad,but i just stand at a side,cant even dare to comfort him.knowing he is sad, i try not to laugh in front of him.i am so silly!!i like to see him laugh,but after he receive that news, his smile is damn fake,so bitter,make me feel uncomfortable about his laughter.what should i say ??? #_#*

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

nothing to write about,today he never come for training yeh,but i only feel a bit sad,means i got improve wo.heard that he is sick ,hope he will recover's training is quite fun too,we train at the basketball court,under the radiant sun..... we had learnt till step8 leh,sir say by this week we must know all the steps.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

er,my left leg has bit pain,i also dun so why,it comes in a sudden.and is before taewonto training yeh,i never told sir about my leg and i continue to join the training,dun care la,let it pain la,also won't die de.hehe this is me ,very stubborn.
er,torrw still got taewonto training yeh,but is held in our school basketball court, a new training place .but for me ,basketball court is .....i like to play bb that simply,xo i like basketball too.hehe ^O^

Monday, April 13, 2009

er,today got a lot of people absent yeh,jun jie that pig la,dun no what happen to him lo,hope that he still havan die yet,if he die nobody will quarrel with me le,so sad.u no today i feel super boring de,no boday make me laugh during lesson.&_& hope that everyone would recover soon,take more rest and drink more water.
today got alot homework yeh,now i still haven complete my homework yet,bec i am busying on tv and playing comp while i am doing homework.means a heart doing 3 things in the same time.c c c i so pro,can do 3 things in the same time de.hehe^_^'' so lamb ^o^!!wo torrw we got science test yeh,hehe now i am still playing,never do revising.hi ya nvm de la ,fail then fail ba,die then go hell lo,that simply.hehe i hope that everyone dun copy me,i am super lazy de,but ho hmm hmm bec my DNA is abit special than some people de,so not need to study also can score your must must study hard ho,must try to score as high so possible.hehe ^OO^ jia yu wo,1e5 must score +|pass ok ?science is very easy de ,it is about common senses and understand,but about speed ,rate,volume,area those thing ,your must revise and understand the formula.if u control well all the formula ,then there is no problem of solving those question le.
lol,torrw got taekwonto ,hope that everything would be very smooth as usual!!!hehe
jia you wo !!! ^o^

Saturday, April 11, 2009

geese party

today i bring my sis to the geese party,is super fun de u no.quite a number of kids joined the party too,we sing songs enjoy stories, games, popcorns, ice lollies and more.i like to sing sunday school songs,u no since i went to YF,i had miss the chance to sing my cute cute sunday school songs already.hehe ^o*!!is great to play with the kids, i dun mind to act childish, if there is fun.hehe
today i got a new sister,name Quynh,actually we had knew eachother for a long time.but today after she borrowed my shoulder,she ask me to be her sis.then i just say yes lo.hehe @_@

Friday, April 10, 2009

today i went out with my friend,saphana,to AMK hub to watch movie,for so many reason end up only left our two go watch ,lol. at first we want to watch the unborn de,but unfortunately,it only showing at we had no choice ,we have to choose another movie lo,in the end we decided to watch fast and furious 4.that movie is awesome u no.i love that movie.
today i super unlucky de u no,i saw i a lot of people which i am not willing to see de.hi ya ,make me hiding behind my friend's back all the way .lol
He is my present in 5 april 2009-nong li shan yue chu shi

Thursday, April 9, 2009

today is our sport's day,super boring de.but bec our class all the hornehh porn star came, they added some fun.u no what jeremiah write on the cheering board,he wrote that 1e5 rocks ur ass off ,that still ok,the worst thing is while on the way to the stadium,he show those words through the bus window let every passenger to see yeh,i feel so disgraceful to walk with him.
o we had also created our own cheer, it is
The we will we will rock you part *
Kick your butt ,
Make you fart ,
All the way to PizzaHut ,
Turn on the gas ,
And burn your ass ,
All the way to Jurong West ! (:>

i want to declare r...that that cheer is not i write one de,u know i am super guai de.hehe (: er today still got jun jie that pig's accompany so much fun is added too.he keep on fighting with me lo,actually is him bully me de lo,c his size is so big,somemore he is poem belt yeh,he keep on asking me to call him sir but in the end he always ganna beat up by me .hehe he is my partner.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my apology

ok start from the morn...morning ,i still on the bed,i heard that my sister's alarm had rung,i thought that her mum would wake her up,so i igorn it,and closed my eyes to continue my dream as today is wednesday,can sleep longer abit .but a while later i was being pull back from my dream bec of some noises. i heard that my aunt is shouted at the phone bec of her husband forgot to woke her up and causes my sis late of school and she wasn't heard the alarm rung too.BUT i heard it,i felt so guilty of that, i had heard the alarm but i refused to wake her up,is all my fault.sorry my sister and my uncle,sorry uncle,cause u also get scolded from that bitch.

mami sorry ,today morning i had scold u just for a small thing.sorry ya mami i love u very much de,forgive me ok ??i will try to change de ok !! i try only la,i cant promise i would change my bad temple .hehe

Saturday, March 28, 2009

now i super sad de,today my friend saphana call me to play bb with her.but i had just came back from church and then is already 7pm ,100%sure my aunt would not allow me to go i told her to wait till ater 8.30 then i will be going .because my aunt was working at 8.30pm.(that is the reason why i always online at after 8.30pm:)after 8.30pm, another challage is coming,my dad not allow me to go out at night,so i failed to go out again. he only allow me if my friend comes to my house and go together with me.-_-'' the best part is you never ever expect my friend saphana to come to ur house. she will never do something unless for her own good.and please my cute cute brother is there,when she saw a boy and have some fun,u would not expect her to remember you.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

i love LANG DE ZHUI XIN NIANG !!AWESOME !!!*o< IT is a chinese story book,is about love de la.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

lazy to link people ,lazy to post, lazy lazy lazy lala!!!
today is our school holiday,wednesday,our takewondo training also held at today.wk is there too!!from the way he demonstrating the greeting,could read that he is very seasoned and he very handsome!!!out of the all seniors there,he is the only one remember all the greeting steps!!!>O^ AWESOME !!1

Friday, February 6, 2009

cross country race

yeah!!!^o^Today we are having cross country race,at first i thought only the lower sec will be participating in this race,to my surprise,whole school is participating.The whole school is striving to get inVOLVE top 50 .i am very proud of my class ,because we had 7 out of top 50 , SUPERgirls .boy i am not really sure .but at least i know the duck has involving in top 50.1E5 is the best ....hehe^o^!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

first day of school

today i woke up at 6.40am .i dress up myself and hurry to school ,bec i came out from the house at 7.10am and i miss my first bus ,is super unfortunate.i got up of the bus at almost 7.30pm , our school assemble start at 7.40am.luckly, i am puncture.
when i arrive our school, everything is so unacquainted to me,but by the end of the school i have already knew 4 gfx ,their really nice and cute and friendly.
i think most of us will feel that first day of school is boring , but for me everything went fine bec i had made new long as i never feel lonely ,then i am fine with it.for me, being a student what i suppose to do is to love our school," study hard and play hard", hehe i just learnt this from the first day of school,i know is a bit strange but come to school must play correct ?and where u get joy from ??from playing correct ??so must play like mad ...hehe .hahah^o^!!!
hope ur all will enjoy ur shcool life in a new environment..and happy new year to your all...